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From VR experiences at in-person events to online webinars, there are several opportunities to explore Future World Vision. See the full list of events to find one that fits your calendar.

Raw sewage empties from a straight pipe

Initiative launched to aid US areas without wastewater treatment

Known as the Closing America's Wastewater Access Gap Community Initiative, the project ultimately is intended to address unmet sanitation needs in rural areas throughout the United States.

(Image by Framlab & Lysverk)

Floating volumes could mimic clouds’ cooling effects

Reflecting the sun’s heat, collecting rainwater, absorbing noise: the cooling and pollution control benefits of the volumes for urban spaces would be multifaceted.

Man using laptop

Engineers' nontechnical skills are even more important now

Thomas Z. Scarangello, P.E., M.ASCE, shares his thoughts on how nontechnical skills could redefine the future of engineering.

Coastal community during storm

Protecting shores in critical Gulf Coast regions demands creative solutions

Nature-based and hard infrastructure solutions work in tandem to protect and restore coastal communities in Louisiana and Florida.

Renewable energy

How engineers are helping cities seek zero emissions

Because cities are a major source of greenhouse gas emissions, civil engineers are working to decarbonize buildings, power generation, transportation systems, and other urban infrastructure.

college lecture hall

With Mega City 2070, the future comes to life in classrooms

During a recent ASCE webinar, professors discussed how they've incorporated the platform into their curricula at the undergraduate and graduate levels.

Lunar infrastructure

Concrete mix for lunar applications is one step closer

NASA is funding research on new concrete mixes that rely on materials found on the moon to construct habitats, launch platforms, and other infrastructure that astronauts will need.

Drone image of construction project

Drones improve surveying on Indianapolis highway project

An Indianapolis highway project uses drones for site surveying to improve efficiency and safety.

Robert C. Byrd Green Bank Telescope

Telescope inspectors reach for the stars in West Virginia

Rope access systems help engineers keep a giant radio telescope scanning the skies within a protected zone in Green Bank, West Virginia.


How engineers combat conditions within the ‘red zone’ of global warming

As the world grows warmer, engineers strive to protect and preserve our threatened infrastructure from wildfires and heat waves.

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VR image of Mega City


See how Future World Vision comes to life through an immersive VR experience.

Cities of the Future film, Singapore


Stay updated on the upcoming Future World Vision giant-screen film, Cities of the Future.

Mega City 2070 platform


Create and share your own custom tour of Mega City 2070.

Reimagine the world and shape the future.